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Football Grip Ayesha Spinning Pole Combo
Flare Janeiro Entrance Exiting to Football Grip Ayesha Spinning Pole Combo
Ayesha Things...which is your fav grip?
Yorkie Pole Combo: Brass split to Yorkie, quarterback and football grip ayesha
Janeiro cartwheel exit to football grip spinning pole combo
Cradle to Football Grip Ayesha
Football Grip Spinning Pole and Things
Pole Advanced - Static brass monkey - football grip ayesha @lilyspinsandrolls #poledance
How to do the Quarterback or Football Grip Butterfly - Tutorials by @Elizabeth_bfit
Butterfly Variations Pole Combo - How many are there?
8 Entries into Twisted Grip Handspring or Ayesha - Pole Dancing Tutorials by ElizabethBfit
Brass Monkey Palooza Pole Combo